Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013 from Jerusalem. In two weeks we'll be on our way home with a week in New York before heading back below the Mason Dixie line to Silver Spring.

Postings have been non-existent this week as most of the people that read this little blog are here with us celebrating Hudy and Debra's wedding.

I snapped oh a total of 0 pictures at the wedding (I guess running after a toddler and nursing a newborn while actually trying to celebrate will distract you like that), but have a bunch here that I've stolen from Facebook courtesy of Hudy and Debra's more attentive to photography friends. It was a beautiful night and aside from the fact that Eitan demanded to carry my bouquet down the aisle everything went off without a hitch. Well done newlyweds!

More to follow (hopefully):

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