Saturday, September 15, 2012

Apple Cake Batter and Rosh Hashana!

It's not yet 7:30 am, our bags are packed, breakfast has been eaten, and an apple cake is in the oven. How about that for a Sunday morning? All we need to do is make a quick stop at Marzipan for gooey rugelach and some round challahs and pick up the rental car and we're on our way to Yosef's house in Zichron Yakov.

But despite all of that, the most notable thing about today is Eitan got his first taste of cake batter! He sat in his chair eating his cornflakes as I diced, measured and put together this dessert, so I figured I would let him in on the real advantage of home baked food- the spatula with the leftover batter.

And he went  to TOWN with it! Omygoodness. And I got it on tape too. Stick around for his rendition of the famous Rosh Hashana song (you know, dip the apples, in the honey, etc).

Shana Tova! Happy 5773!

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