I thought our whole morning was going to be a bust until our friend Rebbe Nachman saved the day. Down onto the street came the Rebbe Mobile blasting techno Jewish music. Eitan was mesmorized. The van stopped and out came like a million bearded guys with long peyos. I don't know why they were there, but as legend goes, Rebbe Nachman appears whenever you need him.
They came out of the truck singing and dancing and Eitan was even more excited. Then, one blew a shofar which was just the ultimate.
Shofar Blowing from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.
And I gave them some tzeduka (that's what you do, right? I'm not a huge sucker?) and they gave us a book of stories and our very own techno Rebbe Nachman CD.
Eitan was very very excited about his presents.
After that we went home via the fountain, and at this visit Eitan got much more into splashing and playing then last time. He got so wet that I needed to take his shirt off as it was dripping wet. There's my little redneck.
And I took a picture of this beautiful olive tree against a perfect cloudless blue sky.
When we got home all Eitan could ask for was the Present Music (the CD) and more Shofar. So I put on that darn obnoxious CD and told him his harmonica was like a Shofar. He kind of bought it.
Here his our little musician:
Harmonica Shofar? from mimi rozmaryn on Vimeo.
And every day since Eitan has been asking for more Shofar. In case you're wondering you tube has a delightful array of shofar blowing videos. Just FYI...
You are so right. Rebbe Nachman always shows up when you need him.