Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sightings and New Playgrounds

One morning last week Eitan and I had a particularly early start and were talking a walk in the neighborhood. On the way we passed this sight:

It's a still closed restaurant (Baba on Emek Refaim, we recommend btw), early in the morning, with four boxes of produce just dropped off in front of the door with no one attending to them. No one to sign and approve what came, no one to bring them in, nothing. In fact, Eitan almost swiped a couple of the tomatoes. Makes no sense to me. Where else would the happen? Seriously?

We ended up in the courtyard of our local community center which also houses the very popular Shira Chadasha shul. We go there a bunch on Shabbat mornings for play group and the playground, and on Fridays as well where there is an outdoor market with a little of everything (organic produce, prepared food for Shabbat, a masseuse, vintage clothing- really random) but it never occurred to me to go there during the week. Which is a shame really because there's a lot of shade and also big shades that cover the rest. I digress, here are some highlights of our morning in the park.

Riding the train:

Playing with a huge Teepee:

Going up and down a ramp:

Lounging on a lizard:

All in all, a good morning!

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