The day was spent visiting the infirmary, meeting all of her army friends and being a part of the whole family day shebang- they had planes on display, felafel and other snacks, an airshow, and explanations of what they do on the base in general.
Ami said this picture reminds him of a scene in Dr. Strangelove. I never saw the movie, but here's the clip. And, I got in trouble for letting him go up there. Apparently there had been a rope up that the unruly families trampled that I didn't notice. Whoops.
Here's a view of Lev's perspective on the day from my ergo carrier.
Doesn't Eitan look like a real mini-pilot? Between that jacket and the earplugs, oh man is this cute?
Mallers plus Eitan the Maller-wannabe.
This is pretty much how I roll nowadays, one baby in the carrier, another in my arms. I'm getting pretty good at carrying around a million pounds of kid, and have the backache to prove it.
So that was our day in the air force. Good times.
Where are his Aviator Glasses?