Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We're settling into our new routine around here with the two boys now that all the parents have left. For Ami and I, it means less sleep and not so much time to do our own thing, for Eitan it means less attention and maybe an extra few minutes of Sesame Street here and there, for Baby Lev, well, every thing's the same for him.

Here are some highlights of our new normal:

This week, the Redskins played the Giants on Monday night football. Which here turns into (very early) Tuesday morning football. So I dressed the boys accordingly, and thankfully, the Redskins won.

On the same day, I made a mushroom quiche and put it in the oven. Then about 20 minutes later I spoke to Nina about running some errands in town, got ourselves together and left the house. A full three hours later, while on Ben Yehuda street, I realized that my quiche was in the oven. I freaked out and made Nina come home with me in case the house was full of smoke (or totally burned down) to open up the windows and air out the house while I waited downstairs with the kiddos.

Thankfully, the building still stood, and there wasn't even smoke somehow, but my planned dinner was a crisp quiche hard as a rock cookie.

If you don't believe me, see for yourself. By the way, I re-made it later in the afternoon and it was delicious.

Eitan's been throwing out some hilarious lines lately. Recently when he was playing with his cars or something I told him it was time to get dressed for school. He looked at me straight in the face and said, "mommy, I'm working". It was pretty awesome. He is quite the little parrot. Another day, I was cooking and he was hanging out in the kitchen. He saw a head of garlic and grabbed it. When I asked for him to return it so I could use it, he said "I need that" and held onto that sucker for an hour. He's lucky he's cute...right?

And last, but not least, a bonus shot of little Lev looking very pensive. I don't wonder why.

Aren't you thrilled you just spent time reading this brilliant addition to literature?

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