In the past couple weeks Ami and I have discovered each a new food object of affection in our beloved Shuk.
Mine is persimmons. So random. We had them once, from one of those crazy Korean/Asian markets near Silver Spring where we always made sure to buy something we've never eaten or seen before. Well, that one was gross. Like disgusting. I just figured it was a food that people like that for some reason repels me (like eggplant- classic food that I hate that I wish that I liked).
So even though they've been around all fall, I've stayed away- we don't like persimmons. Until one day, I was like, what the heck, maybe we got a bad one that time? And turns out, we did. Because, let me tell you, persimmons, they're awesome. They have a tropical mango-y flavor but also kind of like papaya. They don't resemble the typical fall fruit, at least not to me. It seems like I'm not the first to get on the persimmon train though,
Martha Stewart and the
New York Times beat me to the punch.

And Ami's new treat. Not quite as healthy as mine, but he doesn't have baby weight to lose so he's all good. These cookies. I don't know if they're quite a cookie, but can't think of any other way to classify them. Last week on a walk in the shuk I came upon one cookie guy (starts with a D, left side of the open shuk, can't remember the name) and saw this little bite. It seemed like it could be awesome or just okay, but for some reason I got one. And it was AWESOME. Kind of like, if you close your eyes eating a snickers. They've got the peanuts and the chocolate, the body of the cookie I think is almond based, it's very soft and not too sweet (so in that way, not at all like a snickers bar). And for some reason I just thought Ami would be into them, so bought a couple and brought them home. And he's hooked. So far he's had two more doses, and I dropped off a bunch with him at his office this morning. Partially because I'm nice, but also because with t-7 days til the big wedding, I want to keep that level of calorie far far away.
My plan is to bring a few home with us next month and have some baker friends try to figure it out. Like that episode of friends with Pheobe's grandmother's cookies...remember,
Nestle Tollhouse?
So that's what we've been eating.
Oh, and in between those foods, taking bites of this little cutie pie. Hilarious t-shirt courtesy of Uncle Hudy and Almost-Aunt Debra.
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