Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back to College Park

University of Maryland's campus is just so stinking beautiful, every time I go there for some reason or another I am in awe of the fact that we spent four years there. Aside from the nostalgia, it's a great place to spend a day with the kiddos. They have a pool, a bowling alley, kosher food and tons of car- free spaces to run around.

Recently a friend's father mentioned that he drove his kids to CP when they were kids and told them to get comfortable, because they were all going to go there. And they did. While we're not quite ready to commit these boys to admissions, the idea of in state tuition makes us smile especially when we think about the price of Yeshiva kindergarden just three years away...

We went to hang out with Yakov and hit up the famous Testudo statue in front of the library (rub his nose for good luck!) and the bowling alley. The bowling alley even had little bowling shoes in Eitan's size for some reason. It was great. And he had a good time trying to bowl even though by the time his ball go anywhere near the pins he had lost interest. I guess we need to do some more practice with the Chanuka gift set from Hudy and Debra.

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