Friday, February 22, 2013

Brookside Gardens on a Spring-y Winter Day

Last Friday was one of those magical winter days that just gives you a hit of spring. They kind of make you mad, because, whoa, why isn't every day that nice, but also are amazing, like a breath of fresh air, a reminder of things to come.

So we booked it to Brookside Gardens, a garden/playground/nature center a couple of miles from Ami's parents house and let Eitan run loose, and Lev too, but less running for that guy.

It was great. They had a little "treehouse" that he hung out in, and it was just a joy to be outside without coats on and soaking in the sunshine.

This picture is so blurry, but I love it anyways. 

This guy keeps us up all night (sleep training the second time around is no easier!) but he's so darn cute with his big toothless smile. Toothless smiles are pretty much my favorite thing nowadays.

These last two shots perfectly portray Eitan nowadays, always on the move, mostly smiling, with a lot of mischievous looks- he knows we know what he's up to!

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