Wednesday, February 27, 2013

(Second) First Day of (Pre) School

This week Eitan started school around here. It's a wonderful in home day care run by a woman that has a program for 2-3 year olds. She used to teach Aviva Jewish stuff while Aviva was in (a non-Jewish) High School and one of the teachers is the daughter of one of the neighbors on this block, which is how we found out about it at all.

It's been great- the first day he just ran right in and started playing, and even was sad when Ami went to get him! Quite different from our experience in Israel, where even though we know he was happy during the day (they take pictures, he'd report happily), he cried most mornings and bolted to us when we came to get him at 1pm.

So here's the obligatory knapsack by the door, first day of school photo. I think it's even better because it was Shushan Purim so our little monkey man is all set.

He'll be in five mornings a week so we now have time to a) breathe b) really actually get our lives together and c) pay some attention to sweet baby Lev. Good times.

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