Monday, February 13, 2012


Our little toddler is in full on babble mode. When he's with new people, it takes a little while, but with us, or in our house, he's quite the chatter box.

His Dadu, Aviva, taught him the word more, his first word, over the summer, and it's still his favorite thing to say. It means, more (duh), but he also uses it whenever he wants anything. He'll point his little finger and say maw? maw? over and over until we figure out what he wants. And if it's something he can't have, well we're going to pay for it.

Around the time he started saying "more" he also started with mommy and daddy. He's graduated to calling his daddy "Ami" half the time though. You know, because only babies call their parents mommy and daddy.  A couple months ago he learned a couple new words, teeth (while we brush our teeth) and diaper (biper).

More recently he's been babbling a lot to himself, and also surprising us with what comes out of his mouth. As I mentioned here, he also says doggie and cat, and adds a choo choo to the Hinei Rakevet song with flourish. He's been repeating words we say, and can repeat most of our family's names and even sometimes will say them on his own. Last week he even said Todah to me after I gave him something. We freaked out! His first hebrew word and said at exactly the right time with no prodding.

His favorite time to talk is on "the phone" which is any object he picks up and puts to his ear. Of course if someone really calls him and wants to talk to him on the phone, he's silent. Most recently this little black box that a keychain came in.  You'll see.

And now, for our almost naked Eitan (have I mentioned that Eitan impossible to dress nowadays...that's another post) entertaining himself on the phone and with other exciting toys.


  1. love the shout out! p.s. is he saying my name?

    1. Duh- you taught him how to talk! In the video? No, that's heto, the most recent iteration of hello, graduating from ewwwo.

      He does walk around saying Dadu sometimes though- especially when we read the costa rica photo book. Don't worry, Eitan still remembers you and is very excited to see you in a few weeks! We love you Dadu!
