Thursday, February 16, 2012

Double Trouble

Eitan has a best friend here! His name is Shlomo and he's one day older then Eitan. It took some work, us mom forcing them to hang out, but this week it seems they finally agreed that they're pals.

One morning a week I have both boys at our house, and another morning Eitan's over there at Casa Shlomo. This way both mommys get a bit of free time and it's great for the boys to learn about playing together and sharing.

So as I mentioned, at first they mostly ignored each other, or tried to pull toys out of each other's hands. More recently though, they've been babbling at each other (for sure talking smack about us) and playing together ish- running around after each other, playing with the fridge magnets, and most importantly having snack time together.

See below for some shots of these two dudes.

And, a video! Shlomo's upstairs neighbors are getting new floors put in adding some real noise to their house, particularly messing up naptime. We tried to put both boys for their afternoon nap together. At first, they were both crying. And then we started to hear some babbles. So I opened the door as little as possible and stuck my arm in, camera recording.

Here's what I got:

As you can see, Eitan eventually caught me (when the camera abruptly pans to the floor) ending the game and begin the crying again. We then decided to be responsible and stop giggling and put those boys to (separate) naps.

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