Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Old Friends

December 2010
I love Disney, Disney World, the whole thing. I know it's cheesy, but I can't help it. I just do. And thankfully, it seems that this Mickey Mouse love has transferred over to the next generation despite Ami's resistance.

We took Eitan with us on a road trip last year while I was on maternity leave and he was only 10 weeks old with the destination of Disney meeting the rest of the Rozmaryn family (minus Aviva) for a few days. And on this trip he acquired a Mickey doll, Mickey ears, the whole deal.

And he sat on a shelf in his room, and then, of course came with us to Israel last November. Mickey was always just a decoration, a momento of the trip. Until recently. Eitan now demands that MickeyMOUUUSE constantly. They're pals. He gives him rides in his truck, holds his hands and dances with him and sits him down on the couch to watch over the place and make sure everything's okay while we're out (a compromise I devised after he wanted to take him out with us).  

I snapped these pictures yesterday afternoon:

So that's the story. Eitan and Mickey, buddies. Score 1 for another trip to Disney while Eitan's young enough to be mesmerized, well I guess I still am so no rush on that...

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