Sunday, August 11, 2013

9 months on the 9th!

On Friday little Levs turned 9 months. 9 months on the 9th! Hooray for the babe!

As we did with Eitan every month on his "birthday day" we take a picture of him. With Eitan it was on the rocking chair in his room, always wearing a white onesie, and for Levs (to prove that we're JUST AS INTO HIM EVEN THOUGH HE'S SECOND) we have him posing on his blanket, each month in a different colored onesie.

Let's just say that this little guys likes to move. A lot. way more then Eitan did. Making this project very hard, but we're sticking with it. 9 months down, three to go. 

Here's a slice of what it takes to get a semi good shot of him semi looking at the camera. 

And the assistant gets in on the mayhem...

Happy 9 months Lev Levavi Chanani. We love you!

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