Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Eitan's Room

Okay, room number 2 in the house, done (mostly, we still have to hang the new ceiling lamp), and again it goes to someone who couldn't care less. But Eitan really does love his big boy room.

Here's his little coloring table, with a DIY corkboard. It was a framed poster that didn't really "go" here. I spray painted the frame white, got rid of the glass, and got cork tiles that I covered with fabric that used to be Eitan's curtains in the old condo. Up on it are some fun projects he made at camp cupcake.

And you may remember that the table was a thrift store find ($4.99 baby!) that I sanded and painted navy.

And a growth chart decal to measure how big he's getting.

Little nook of artwork including his first little shoe framed in the center.

Eitan loves loves loves his big boy bed- the headboard was left by our previous owners and I had a whole drama painting it navy. Note to self, never use spray paint again. You think it's at short cut because you don't need paintbrushes and it's quick, but it never works out, always looks splotchy, you will need to sand down parts that bubble, ad then give in and paint it with normal regular paint.

Levs LOVES this little nightsand. He props himself up on it and pulls everything down. Fun for the whole family. Also terrifies me that he is going to pull it down onto himself one day. We need to affix this puppy to the wall asap.

Okay, that's a wrap. Eitan's room!

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