Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pizza Night

In the Rozmaryn family, every Thursday night is pizza night. Yes, Nuthouse pizza is our place of choice, but it's not always fesable to travel 45 minutes (after a full day of work with these two crazies in the car) to join the rest of the clan there. So we sometimes go to our local place and bring home, and this particular Thursday, me and the two boys made our own. 

Eitan is an excellent kitchen helper. He loves standing on the chair by the island and doing little jobs, and when I take pictures while cooking you lucky readers get to see our gorgeous modern kitchen. Seriously, I can't wait to take a sledgehammer to this whole room one day. Yellow Cabinets? Yellow FRIDGE? Floral wallpaper? Formica Counters? Seriously? 

Chowing down:

I love this picture below that Eitan took (he's getting better with the camera!). Levs' is making the funniest face, gripping his corn like it's going out of style and looks like such a Kirschenbaum  here it's not even normal.

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